How to Pass a Safety Certificate or Roadworthy Certificate


At East Coast Mobile Safety Certificates, we do hundreds of inspections every week. One of the main questions we are asked over the phone is “Will my car pass a safety certificate” or using the old terminology “A Roadworthy Certificate”. So, in response to the customer on the phone we quickly rattle off the main areas the inspectors will concentrate on and the reasons why the vehicle could possibly fail the inspection. Whilst we try to simplify our explanation, some of the under-body issues like torn CV boots etc. may not mean anything to a non-mechanic. What I would like to do to help you all pass your inspections first time every time, is to write a list and give examples to aid you through the inspection process.


To make this simple, you need to fix all chips in the screen and if there are cracks in the screen, get the screen replaced.

Windscreen chip repairs if minor can be tackled yourself with the use of various windscreen chip repair products purchased from

If you are not confident about doing the repair, my suggestion is don’t, as you may create a bigger issue to fix. Mobile windscreen repairs are quick efficient and inexpensive. They are worth a call to get your windscreen repaired before it becomes a replacement screen required.

Safety Certificate

Safety Certificate

Both the above screens may require replacement however mobile windscreen repairers will advise you if you send a photo.

There are a number of windscreen repairers that you can choose from. We have used Inspecta Crack quite a few times and recommend them whenever we are asked. But you can choose from whoever you like and if your screen needs replacing you might want to check your insurance policy.

Speedy Auto Glass


Inspecta Crack


The above companies except for Inspect crack also replace windscreens we have also found… and are good.

Once you have your windscreen all sorted, let’s have a look at the rest of the windows.

Is My Window Tint Legal

Are your windows tinted and is the tint legal or is it too dark? Are there bubbles in the tint or has part of the tint peeled?
These are all issues that will need to be address before you can get your safety certificate or roadworthy certificate.

For further information about window tinting laws in Queensland, click the link below.

Can I remove my window tint so it can pass the safety certificate?

The answer is yes, if you have the time to do so. Please click the link for a quick demonstration on how to remove window tint.

Safety Certificate

Do your Windows Work

For pure safety reasons and to pass a Safety Certificate your windows must work. There is a clear safety reason behind this. If the car is in an accident and you needed to get the windows down in an emergency and they don’t work, this can be a life-threatening situation.

Most window winder malfunctions are fixed quite easily by your local mechanic or an auto electrician. Both options have mobile alternatives if you would like them to come to you.


Seats must be secured and operate or move backward and forward or up and down, if they have those functions. They must not have tears in the material or have exposed wiring. However, it is not the inspector’s job to remove seat covers to check the seats. If the seats operate and are neat and tidy with no visible internals, then they will pass a safety certificate inspection.

Safety Certificate



All the front and rear lights must be working both on low beam and High Beam. The lens cover of the light must not interfere with the brightness of the light. This is a common issue and one that is easily fixed with the correct cutting compound. Again Supercheap, Repco and Auto Barn will stock this, and it may take 30-40 mins for each light. If you do not wish to do this yourself our mobile team will do the work for you so this will pass the safety certificate inspection.

Safety Certificate


Rear or taillights must be operational, and lenses must not be cracked or have any moisture in the lens area. If any of these require replacement, it is important to have this done prior to the safety certificate inspection. These lenses can be purchased through aftermarket suppliers and or the wreckers. Prices will vary however the most expensive will be from the manufacturer like Toyota, Holden, Mazda etc. At East Coast Mobile Safety Certificates, all our inspectors are highly qualified mechanics and can bring the part with us and fit it, when doing your safety certificate inspection. If you have any doubt whether your car will pass the inspection, we are happy to receive photos of the areas of concern to work out what we need to do to make sure you pass the inspection.


Tyres are one of the most common areas where a car will fail a safety certificate inspection. Most people consider having tread of any kind will be a pass. When in fact tyres are the only thing that are in contact between the car and the road. This makes tyres a vital component for the safe driving of the car and need to have at least 1.5 mm of tread across the full face of the tyre. If the tyre has great tread but has shoulder wear, it constitutes a fail and the tyres will need to be replaced. Most people don’t understand this however, these are the rules set by government and are in place to keep people safe on the roads.

Uneven wear is a warning light that there is an issue with the tyre, steering components or suspension. As mentioned earlier, the tyres are the only component between your car and the road and require considered attention. If you are unsure if your tyres will pass the safety certificate inspection, please send us through some photos so we can advise you. There is no point sending us difficult pictures to view as the live inspection will still need to happen and you don’t want to fail the actual inspection when we could have help you pass.

Safety Certificate



We are often asked about rust, so a rule of thumb is,

  • Mild surface rust is not an issue.
  • Any rust that is bubbling or that has rusted threw any body area or components is a fail.
  • Rust holes or deep rust areas can be filled with the appropriate body filler or welded replacement.
  • Any exposed repaired areas will require further visual investigation, however the repaired areas cannot be chipped into or dug out as that is not a requirement of the inspection.
  • If the repair does not seem to be safely completed, the inspector has the right to fail the safety certificate due to safety concerns.

If in doubt, please send us some photos.

Windscreen Washes

Simply these must work and spray water at the time of the inspection. The water reservoir must not leak.

If the washer sprays do not work, you might try clearing them with a needle or something similar. If that does not work, the lines or the pump may need replacing.

These are the commonly asked points that vehicles fail on apart from suspension and braking components. This area is a bit complicated as you need to get under the car or strip wheels off to be able to see what is happening.

I hope this helps you get your vehicle ready to pass a safety certificate.

Safe & Happy Driving from Grant and the Team at East Coast Mobile Safety Certificates.

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