How Can a Mobile Mechanic Assist With Fleet Maintenance?

Fleets On The Move

Most fleets are on the move almost 24/7 and cannot afford unnecessary down time as time is money.

We maintain numerous fleets for a variety of companies from Landscapers, Civil Engineers, Construction Companies, Rural Fire Services, Telecommunications and more. All these companies have hundreds of thousands and in some cases Millions of dollars tied up in fleets of vehicles, moving people, equipment and freight from A to B.

For any business, Time is Money and it is important that there is no loss in vehicle down time or in non-productive staff time. Businesses cannot afford to have staff driving vehicles around to repair centres and tyres stores to get them serviced, repaired or tyres fitted. This process can take hours in a day and cost hundreds of dollars unnecessarily. Mobile Mechanical Services are ideally suited to work along side fleet companies. Both businesses complement each other as both businesses understand the need to be mobile. Mobile mechanical services can go to depots, homes, and breakdown locations to enable fleets and their drivers to maximise work hours and vehicle operating periods.

Reduce Vehicle & Staff Costs

Mobile mechanical services are ideal to work with fleet owners to reduce costs and improve productivity.

How do Mobile Mechanical Services reduce non-productive people hours, SIMPLE!

Why would you pay staff to shuffle cars to and from mechanical workshops or tyres stores when Mobile Mechanical Services can come to your place of work or home and have little to no lose in man hours. It’s a no brainer really, Fleets are mobile so the companies that services them should be mobile in order to service their maintenance requirements, cost effectively and conveniently.

I’m sure Chief Financial Officers across the country are looking at ways to reduce operational costs, and two key expense components are company vehicles and staff costs. Mobile Mechanical Services helps to reduce both by completing servicing work, changing tyres and inspecting vehicles that require yearly inspections without sending staff offsite to deliver vehicles.

Save Thousands with Mobile Mechanical Services

On average staff would spend an hour to an hour and a half getting organised, grabbing an additional person to drive with them to the workshop. They then take their time to drive to the location, chat with the workshop staff and head back to work. That is two people doing two trips to deliver and pick up one vehicle. Let’s say that staff are on $50 per hour, that would mean that every delivery could be costing the company $250 plus per delivery of vehicle. On top of that cost is the loss of productive person hours. In other words, no productive work is done whilst cars/vehicles are being delivered and picked up. If you have 20 vehicles being serviced 4 times per year, the delivery cost could be as high as $20,000 plus 400 hours of lost productivity time. I would hate to think what companies who don’t use mobile mechanical services would be wasting unnecessarily every year.

We service many fleets onsite whilst they are in the office , on construction sites, at sports fields whilst the customer is landscaping or mowing lawns. We service vehicles at depots and holding yards. There is almost no place we can’t get to, to service a fleet vehicle and save the fleet operators money.

Another consideration when choosing a mobile mechanical service is having a workshop as well, in case there are major works to be conducted that can’t be completed on site. Larger repairs may require staying in a workshop until parts are found and the work is completed. Having the best of both mobile mechanical services and a workshop allows consistency of service as well as sizable cost savings.

When you are next considering servicing your fleet, consider the cost savings and convenience supplied by a reputable mobile mechanical service.

At East Coast Mobile Safety Certificates we also look after the family fleet and can come to your home or work to service and maintain your family fleet.

Safe and Happy Driving!

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